I'm really excited to offer this new option to assist you with your nightscape photography.
I often get asked about my editing methods as post processing nightscapes is quite challenging. So I've decided to offer my original raw files which are associated with the videos listed below for you to use completely free of charge. As you can see to the right I do offer you the option to pay for this service, but that is completely up to you. |
Intermediate Editing Level: Includes multiple sky shots to stack plus three foreground light painted layers. Software required. Lightroom or Adobe Camera Raw Sequator or Starry Landscape Stacker Photoshop Files for download: Here |
Intermediate Editing Level: Includes single sky shot plus multiple foreground light painted images. Software Required: Lightroom or Adobe Camera Raw Photoshop Files for download: Here |
Intermediate Editing Level: Includes multiple sky shots to stack plus multiple foreground light painted images. Software Required: Lightroom or Adobe Camera Raw Sequator or Starry Landscape Stacker Photoshop Files for download: Here |
Slightly More Advanced Editing Level: Includes single tracked sky shot plus multiple foreground light painted images. Software Required: Lightroom or Adobe Camera Raw Photoshop StarXTerminator plugin (Optional) Files for download: Here |
Slightly More Advanced Editing Level: Includes single tracked sky shot plus multiple foreground light painted images. Software Required: Lightroom or Adobe Camera Raw Photoshop StarXTerminator plugin (Optional) Files for download: Here |
Intermediate Editing Level: Includes multiple shearing shed interior light painted images. Software Required: Lightroom or Adobe Camera Raw Photoshop Files for download: Here (Large File) |
Intermediate Editing Level: Includes single sky shot plus multiple foreground light painted images. Software required. Lightroom or Adobe Camera Raw Photoshop Files for download: Here |